Current Events

Melania: ‘I Just Want To Go Home!’

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Melania Trump has a message for the world: “I just want to go home!”

Current Events
Yes, while Donald Trump has been fighting failed court battles for his make-believe “rigged” presidential election battle, Mrs. Donald Trump has been planning and pining for life after Washington, DC.


According to CNN, while ‘The Donald’ has been spending every waking moment trying to stay in The White House, Melania has already started packing and deciding what to put in storage, what to ship back to Trump Tower in New York, and what to take with the soon to be ex-First Family to the Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

“She just wants to go home,” said a family friend.

Feeling unwelcomed in New York City, the Trump’s will turn their Palm Beach hideaway into their permanent home. Additionally, Baron Trump will finish his ’20-’21 school year in Florida and not at the posh suburban Maryland public school he’s attended since 2017. Over the past few weeks, Melania has been working with an interior decorator to redesign Mar-a-Lago as a permanent home rather than the vacation villa it’s always been. She has insisted on having her own bedroom and dressing quarters, similar to her current set-up inside The White House.

Donald and Melania Trump once lived in a multi-level penthouse at Trump Tower. They traded that in for the 55,000 square foot White House residence. Now, they will downsize to a mere 3,000 square foot dwelling at Mar-a-Lago.

“It will feel like staying full-time at a nice hotel,” said Laurence Leamer, author of “Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump’s Presidential Palace.” “It’s fine for a bit, sure, but can you imagine Donald Trump just sitting around there for 6 months of the year? It will start to feel confining very quickly.”


Interestingly, since Mar-a-Lago is a functioning country club, guests will traipse directly past the Trump’s front door whenever they’re heading to the pool or spa.

“It will be the weirdest thing,” said Leamer. He added that if Donald Trump is as wealthy as he claims to be, he would close the club and keep the entire mansion as his home. The fact he’s not doing so and is willingly accepting an enormous downsize to 3,000 feet should give insight into Trump’s actual financial state.

Nevertheless, the Trump sideshow of pretending that he still has a chance at remaining inside The White House for another 4 years is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The mental picture of Melania Trump with a room full of U-Haul boxes and shipping tape while crying “I just want to go home” is the most realistic picture of what’s really going on inside the Trump White House for his final remaining days.

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Melania Trump wants to go home!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Melania Trump has a message for the world: “I just want to go home!” – DJ

    @Meliania: And trust…WE (most of America) cannot wait for you and the entire Trump clan to GO!  

    Having squandered his inheritance, Donald Trump is poor white trash with a little bit of money – a Poseur, always pretending to be something that he’s not. The trouble for him now is that -thanks to outcome of the 2016 election- the whole world knows it too.  

    He never expected to win in 2016. His wife and adult children hadn’t expected it. But now that he’s lost re-election they know that time’s up. Their lives have certainly been changed forever and I would posit in ways they mostly will NOT be able to control as He and They will soon exit the White House…for good. 

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