NotMyPresident Protests Engulf America

Politics –
NotMyPresident Protests
Engulf America
On Wednesday morning, the traditionally bustling streets of New York City were eerily quiet and empty following Tuesday’s shocking presidential election result. However, by Wednesday night, the hashtag and protests of NotMyPresident grew to ignite a movement across a myriad of U.S. cities.
Black and white, young and old, Democrat and Republican protesters took to the streets of Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, and a host of other cities to register their disdain for Donald Trump and to make it clear that despite Tuesday’s election results, he is NotMyPresident.
The protests and uprisings should not be at all surprising. Despite speeches on Wednesday from Hillary Clinton and President Obama calling for acceptance, unity and a peaceful transition of power, the country is more divided and overcome with emotion than ever. Why is this? It’s because of President-elect Donald Trump and his movement, that’s why!
For more than a year, Donald Trump has made it crystal clear how he feels about much of the nation. Â He believes Mexicans are rapists and thieves who should be kept out of the country en masse. Â He believes “the blacks” of America all live in inner city ghettos in poverty. He believes Muslims are terrorists and that the entire religion should be banned from entering the U.S. Additionally, his movement was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan, and his supporters openly hurled racial epithets and religious and homophobic slurs at Trump rallies from coast to coast without fear or condemnation.
In the words of the late poet emeritus Maya Angelou: “When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!” Well, Donald Trump and his supporters have shown us exactly who they are and what they represent. Â Now, ordinary Americans have taken to the streets because they believe them.
Hillary Clinton and President Obama delivered the words they needed to deliver: democracy has spoken and it’s time to move forward for the survival of the nation. Â Um…not this time.
The election of Donald Trump is not politics as usual. Â This is not just a simple disagreement on policies and principles. The election of Trump has given permission for racism and bigotry to rise up and return to the open. His supporters are already gloating in the belief that THEIR president is going to push the Mexicans and Muslims out and make America “White” again; that THEIR president is going to dismantle the 8 year legacy of “that Muslim from Kenya” Barack Obama; that THEIR president is going to turn back the clock and make it 1950 in America again (which wasn’t so great for black, brown and LGBT people). That is why much of America has taken to the streets to say NotMyPresident!
For Donald Trump, this can’t be how he intended to begin presiding over a nation.
Well…first let me say……
I'm so glad that days BEFORE the election I made the decision to schedule a personal day off work for the day AFTER the election.
Frankly, I knew that regardless of who won, I was going to need a mental health day just to decompress and process everything that we've been through as a country over the past 20 months of this election cycle.
Suffice it to say, the election outcome has been a really painful and shocking reality-check for me.
In a nation of over 300 million Americans, 59,692,974 people voted to "take back" their country and make America *White* again.
While 59,923,027 voted to take this country forward – towards being a more Unified, Inclusive and Equal society.
In short: She won the popular vote but he won the electoral college points.
Personally, after Pres. Obama leaves office I don't feel I will have a president. I can never accept a person such as Trump as my President ….and spit on the memory of Our Black ancestors!?! Absolutely.Not.
I despise everything that Trump and his supporters stand for.
Nonetheless, for the sake of this nation, I do hope that a Trump presidency doesn't end up being the unmitigated disaster it has the potential to be.
Source for voting results: "Presidential Election Results: Donald J. Trump Wins" – NYTimes
…..on a related note……..
D.L Hughley: ‘Obama was what we aspire to be, Trump is who we are’
D.L. Hughley has seen what America has declared itself to be with this election, and he doesn’t like it.
“That campaign was based on hate,” Hughley said during a panel discussion on MSNBC. “America saw exactly who it was last night… Exactly who we are.”
“I think Obama was what we aspire to be; Trump and his supporters are who we are,” he added. “People said things, and those polls were so off and that meant that people were not being truthful. They said one thing and they did another.”
“And that to me is the crux. We have to accept who we are in order to evolve.” – The Grio
"It’s Over: Donald Trump Wins, We Lose – But We Must Fight"
It saddens me beyond… What. I. We. How, But we know. Deep down, no words, too many words.
I’m numb: Donald John Trump will be the next President of the United States of America. Republicans have won the Senate and the House too.
No jokes, no wittiness, I can’t find it in me to post the cleverest tweets, excuse, me, but, why, we know why, but, I, we, no, it, analysis, words go, they come too fast, I think, I can’t, think, we know exactly why. As a Black man, a first generation American, with a mother who is not a citizen – I am scared, though I believe that there is hope. Let us note that this is what America is, what it has been, and it must be radically rethought and reshaped.
We have received confirmation, we know now, truly, America was never for us, and we must make it for us, for all of us, whatever the cost. America, historically, the deeply rooted strands of inequality, of racism, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny have won today, but we must make sure they do not win tomorrow.
Hillary Clinton was not our savior, never was. Only we can be that. The myth, which we bought, is gone, shattered. We must re-think it all, from the racist, sexist, hateful, despicable bottom up. We must love, fully. This love should not allow oppression, in any form. Organize, organize, organize. To the streets. Good {day} and good luck. […]
– Abel Shiferraw, writer at OkayPlayer
This is ugly and it's going to be ugly for a long time. I watched on tv last night all the protests and it had to be at least 20 cities. People are not happy and this is all because of the bs Trump stirred up. Now he has to face it.
From USA Today:
The Afghan Taliban is celebrating Donald Trump's election victory.
Just let that sink in
From LA Times:
One of the largest Ku Klux Klan groups in the country has announced a parade to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump's win.
The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C., says on its website that its parade will take place on Dec. 3.
"TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE," says the website's front page.