Tom Perez: Is He The Democratic Savior?

Politics –
Tom Perez: Is He
The Democratic Savior?
Who is Tom Perez? As of this week, he is the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, that’s who.
Last Saturday, Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as their new chairman and the first Latino chairman of the party. Perez bested Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison in a contest where Democrats are attempting to reassemble the fractured pieces of its party and channel anti-Donald Trump sentiment among the base into an electoral rebound.
Perez defeated Ellison 235-200 during a 2nd round of voting among the Democratic National Committee’s 435 members. In the spirit of unity, Perez immediately named Ellison as the deputy chairman of the DNC, prompting cheers and unanimous approval from the crowd.
In victory remarks, Perez vowed that Democrats would wage an all-out battle to deny Trump a second term.
“I need to tell you folks at the outset: I know that I have more questions than answers,” Perez said in reaching out to those who opposed his bid. “As a team, we will work together.
“We should all be able to say … the united Democratic Party led the resistance and ensured that this president would be a one-term president,” he continued. “We are at a ‘where were you?’ moment in American history: Where were you in 2017 when we had the worst President in US history?”
Keith Ellison then spoke of the need for the party to unify and called on Democrats to unify behind Perez.
“It’s my honor to serve this party under the chairmanship of Tom Perez,” he said. “I just want to say to you that if you came here supporting me … I’m asking you to give everything you got to support Chairman Perez. We don’t have the luxury to walk out of this room divided.”
In a congratulatory message, former President Barack Obama said, “I know that Tom Perez will unite us under that banner of opportunity, and lay the groundwork for a new generation of Democratic leadership for this big, bold, inclusive, dynamic America we love so much.”
In a tweet, Hillary Clinton congratulated Perez and Ellison, writing: “Excited for strong, unified party standing for best of our country into the future.”
Congrats to @DNC chair @TomPerez & deputy @keithellison. Excited for strong, unified party standing for best of our country into the future.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 25, 2017
The election of Tom Perez is the culmination of a 3-month contest that pitted the Democratic old guard against the progressive new wing of the party.  Within the past several weeks, members of the Hillary Clinton team, former Vice President Joe Biden, and several aides to former President Barack Obama (including Valerie Jarrett and David Simas) made calls to undecided members in an effort to sway them toward Perez. In contrast, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and progressive Democratic members of Congress applied pressure on DNC members via phone calls to support Ellison.
By selecting Perez and by spurning Sanders supporters, Democrats now run the risk of once again disappointing the left-wing of the party a second time in a year and making them feel as outcasts.

In a statement following the election of Tom Perez, Sanders said “it is imperative that Tom understands that the same-old, same-old is not working and that we must open the doors of the party to working people and young people in a way that has never been done before.
“Now, more than ever, the Democratic Party must make it clear that it is prepared to stand up to the 1% and lead this country forward in the fight for social, racial, economic and environmental justice,” he said.
So, exactly who is Tom Perez? And, why is he the best choice to lead the Democratic Party at this moment in time?
Tom Perez is a 55-year-old native of New York, who was born to Dominican immigrants. After graduating cum laude from Harvard Law School, Perez worked as a federal prosecutor, as an aide to the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, and as the Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
In 2007, Perez was selected to run the Maryland Department of Labor, then was named in 2009 by President Obama to be Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights in the US Dept. of Justice. In 2013, Mr. Obama named Perez the Secretary of Labor, cementing his relationship among the Obama wing of the party.

Perez’s intelligence and administrative qualities are unquestionable. However, many Democrats believe his laid back manner may not make him the best choice to lead Democrats in the Donald Trump era. Congressman Ellis is known to have a more aggressive personality and one that some within the party believe would be best to pit against a Trump White House.
The eventual selection of Perez is said to have come down to the power of the Obama/Clinton/Biden wing of the party over the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing. Several Democrats were also unsure if a sitting congressman (Ellis) could effectively run the party while still an elected official.
One specific American was elated at the selection of Tom Perez and even took to Twitter to announce his jubilation.
“Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC,” Donald Trump tweeted sarcastically. “I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!”
Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC. I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2017
Chairman Perez was quick to respond, tweeting “Call me Tom. And don’t get too happy. @keithellison and I, and Democrats united across the country, will be your worst nightmare.”
Call me Tom. And don’t get too happy. @keithellison and I, and Democrats united across the country, will be your worst nightmare. https://t.co/fu7WvLofrD— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 25, 2017
Is Tom Perez everything the Democrats have been looking for to lead the party after a devastating loss? Or, is Tom Perez yet another disappointment to the progressive wing and the wrong choice for a party clearly in need of a fresh start?