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90-year-old Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has alerted the White House he is strongly considering stepping down from the bench, which would give President Obama his 2nd nomination to the nation’s highest court in his young presidency.  But with a flurry of names already swirling around to possibly fill the post, who should the replacement be?  We say, how about a black man?

Back in 1991, Thurgood Marshall was the first and only African-American to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.  Upon his retirement that same year (and his eventual death soon thereafter), then President George H.W. Bush (the 1st) was strongly lobbied to replace Marshall with another African-American.  Succumbing to the pressure, but with a twist, Bush selected Clarence Thomas to fill the esteemed vacancy that Justice Marshall left. Although Thomas was born a black man and took full advantage of available programs such as affirmative action, minority grants and scholarships, etc. in order to elevate HIMSELF to the position he now holds, he has not been a champion or true representative for African-Americans.  In fact, for as much as he has turned his back on the community, were it not for his skin color, you may not even know he was black. Thomas has now denounced affirmative action and various other programs that HE HIMSELF utilized when it was convenient for HIM.  For all those who either support or oppose such programs, it’s hard not to see the hypocrisy in Thomas’ new found beliefs and actions.

 Justice John Paul Stevens

Today’s Supreme Court is fully represented by both liberals and conservatives.  There are women, a Jewish Justice, and now even a Latina with the recent addition of Justice Sonia Sotomayor.  So what’s missing?  TRUE representation for African-Americans.  With representation by at least two of just about every group, black men are underrepresented.

George H.W. Bush failed to honor the first African-American Justice Thurgood Marshall when he failed to replace him with a suitable placeholder.  As the first African-American President, Barack Obama finally has the opportunity to right that wrong.  It’s kismet.  With a host of brilliant African-American legal minds and judges out there looking for their shot, this is the perfect time to give a black man a chance. Take a look at current Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, or recent Chairman of the NAACP Julian Bond.  Surely there are capable black men out there who would serve their community and the Supreme Court well.  I sure hope the White House is listening!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. What a strange but also incredible TIME we're living in! WoW.The nation's first African-American President is BUSY at work, determined to move this country_OUR country_forward. No doubt, in choosing the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice (whenever another vacancy occurs) Obama will demonstrate what he's demonstrated time-and-time again_that he is thoughful and deliberative decision-maker. In contrast to the GOP Gov. of Virginia who, apparently is BUSY trying to turn BACK the hands of TIME_all the way BACK_to the greatest of the the "Confederacy" during the Civil War_smh. Politico: "Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s proclaimed celebration of Confederate History Month—without a mention of slavery— set off a full day of full-throated criticism Wednesday, including a slam from a major Virginia newspaper that endorsed the Republican during his campaign for the state’s highest office"…. As I said at the top: What a strange but also incredible TIME we're living in!

  2. Little Green Footballs:Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't "Significant" Enough to MentionUS News | Wed, Apr 7, 2010 [Facing a storm of criticism, even from the newspaper that endorsed him for Governor, Virginia Republican Bob McDonnell told the Washington Post today that the reason why he didn’t mention slavery in his proclamation of “Confederate History Month” was because he doesn’t consider it a significant aspect of the Civil War. ]Wow.McDonnell also said the reason for his declaration was to “promote tourism.”[McDonnell said Tuesday that the move was designed to promote tourism in the state, which next year will mark the 150th anniversary of the start of the war.]Apparently he’s not too interested in promoting tourism by African Americans.LGF: <a href="<br />The truth is_Not a day goes by that I'm not SO THANKFUL to have a Man of Barack Obama's caliber as Our Presidnet!

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