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Will Norton had just received his high school diploma only an hour before and was driving home with his dad when the tornado hit.

Sensing imminent danger, the father told his son to pull the vehicle over to safety.  But by then it was too late.

Although still wearing a seat belt, Will Norton was ripped through the sunroof of the family car by the horrendous and powerful winds. His father somehow managed to remain belted into his seat, but was hospitalized with multiple injuries. Since the storm, the family devoted every waking hour to locating the missing teen. They visited hospitals, widespread wreckage, even makeshift morgues, but could still not find Will. Believing no news was good news, the family held out hope that the recent high school grad would be found alive and safe.

Regrettably, their optimism was shattered last Friday. The body of 18-year-old Will Norton was found in a pond, according to family members who delivered the bad news at a Saturday news conference at Freeman Hospital West, where the boy’s father remains hospitalized with injuries.

“This was like the perfect kid,” the boy’s aunt, Tracey Presslor said. “He loved animals, and he loved people. They had searched the ponds twice before, but they kept checking.” Young Will Norton had his entire life ahead of him and had become the face of the Joplin tragedy, with a Facebook page dedicated to finding him alive.  A memorial service is pending to honor his very short life.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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