RNC Staffers Quitting Over Trump
Politics –
RNC Staffers Quitting Over Trump
The GOP mutiny continues. This time, it’s members of the RNC staff.
At least 8 staffers have now left the Republican National Committee due to their discomfort in having to support Donald Trump for president. The resignations include deputy press secretary James Hewitt, spokesman Fred Brown, director of Hispanic media Ruth Guerra, as well as research analysts Lars Trautman and Colin Spence, who have each cited the toxic candidacy of Trump as the reason for their departure.
Spence, who joined the RNC in June of 2015 as a research analyst on the investigations team, left earlier this summer because he wasn’t “overjoyed with how the primary season went.”
“Personally, I wasn’t comfortable working to elect him,” Spence said.
Other staffers were extremely forthright in describing their resistance toward the Republican presidential nominee. Without mincing words, the staffers said they simply could not work to help elect a man they thought was not qualified to be president; that Trump’s insensitive statements turned them against him; that he wasn’t conservative enough; and that they were concerned working to elect Trump might leave a permanent stain on their resume.
“I didn’t want to be associated with the Trump campaign,” one staffer said, calling the Trump nomination a “deal breaker” for him. “I don’t agree with what he has to say … He’s not a person I feel comfortable working for. It’s just that simple.”
The RNC departures are not surprising when you consider that the staffers feel a deep loyalty toward the Republican brand and see Trump as somewhat of an interloper.
“At the start of the cycle nobody thought Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee so a lot of operatives find themselves in a position they never expected which is trying to help elect Donald Trump president of the United States,” said former RNC press secretary Alex Conant, who most recently worked for the Marco Rubio presidential campaign.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, RNC staffers said they are angry at RNC Chair Reince Priebus and other superiors for appearing passionate about Trump’s candidacy, adding they didn’t “have to be so far out there in the bag for Trump … It’s embarrassing to the building.”
“It sucks to wake up every morning and go into the office and do things to help Donald Trump become president. They don’t like that. It’s bad for morale,” a prominent GOP consultant said. “All these senior people went on board and saluted and said ‘I’m with you Donald Trump.’ It’s been the most shocking thing of this cycle for me, even more shocking than the fact that he won.”
Several outside Republican consultants say they’ve received dozens of resumes from RNC staffers who believe Donald Trump will lose in November, and are already eager to distance themselves from the stench of his candidacy.
Several outside Republican consultants say they’ve received dozens of resumes from RNC staffers who believe Donald Trump will lose in November, and are already eager to distance themselves from the stench of his candidacy. […]
You got that right DJ – the "STENCH" of Trump's candidacy.
Yes. I read about this yesterday.
And as if that stench wasn't already at full-gag level, last night that fool decided to go on a rant accusing Pres. Obama of being the "founder of ISIS" with Hillary being the "co-founder" of the same.
Honestly, he is such a disgusting creature…smh.
And even though I do not like to rush my life….believe me when I say that I can't wait for November to get here so that I can vote.
I hope (and pray) We can finally put an end to this national nightmare and total embarrassment known as the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump. Unless he actually drops out before election day(?)
All you have to do is change the name to hilLIARy Clinton and you got it right. The stench is enough to gag any person with a brain unencumbered by self hatred. That is what any one that supports lher. If she wins you will get what you may deserve, completion of the goal to bankrupt this country and for what? Your stupidity? You are an idiot thinking she gives a heck about this country. The criminal machine only can be disrupted by voting Trump.
Um….nice try….smh.
Trump 2016!
.And umm…. ..
IF this news is even in the ballpark of being true, Southern right-wingers may be running AWAY from Trump right now and heading right to Hillary. .
"Bombshell Poll Rocks The GOP As Hillary Clinton Could Turn South Carolina Blue"
A new poll shows that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are statistically tied in deep red South Carolina as Trump's two-point lead is within the poll's margin of error.
South Carolina voters overwhelmingly support increasing background checks (84%) support, 84% also support not allowing people who are on the terror watch list from buying guns, and 77% support increasing the minimum wage to at least $10/hour.
The poll was sponsored by the South Carolina Democratic Party, but not conducted by the Democratic Party. The same demographic shifts that are being caused by inward migration and demographic diversity in North Carolina and Virginia are also occurring in South Carolina. What the South Carolina poll highlights is the narrow base of support that Republican nominee Donald Trump is clinging on to.
Trump’s bedrock of support is with conservative white senior voters. For all of his talk of expanding the GOP, Trump is shrinking the Republican Party down to its whitest and most loyal core. South Carolina joins Georgia, Arizona, and Utah as red states that Republicans are in danger of seeing flip to Hillary Clinton in November.
If Trump loses South Carolina to Clinton, it will signal a landslide of historic levels. Should red states begin to fall to Clinton on Election Night, Republicans will lose their bid for the White House, control of the Senate, and could even lose their House majority.
As bad as Republicans thought things were under Trump, the South Carolina poll suggests that the situation could be worse than anyone imagined. […] Jason Easley, writer at PoliticusUSA
H/T: The Hill
And now there's also THIS:
"Dozens of Republicans to urge RNC to cut off funds for Trump"
The open letter pushes the RNC to shift resources to Senate and House races.
More than 70 Republicans have signed an open letter to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus urging him to stop spending any money to help Donald Trump win in November and shift those contributions to Senate and House races.
The letter comes as a number of Republican senators and high-profile GOP national security officials have come forward saying they cannot vote for Trump.
“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck,” states a draft of the letter obtained by POLITICO. “This should not be a difficult decision, as Donald Trump’s chances of being elected president are evaporating by the day.”
The letter ticks off a series of Trump actions that they believe have "alienated millions of voters of all parties,” including, attacking Gold Star families, positive comments about violent foreign leaders and encouraging Russia to find Clinton’s lost emails.
“Those recent outrages have built on his campaign of anger and exclusion, during which he has mocked and offended millions of voters, including the disabled, women, Muslims, immigrants, and minorities,” the letter states. “He also has shown dangerous authoritarian tendencies, including threats to ban an entire religion from entering the country, order the military to break the law by torturing prisoners, kill the families of suspected terrorists, track law-abiding Muslim citizens in databases, and use executive orders to implement other illegal and unconstitutional measures.”
H/T: Politico
Here's what I want to know, what does it take for a party to not back a candidate even if he was voted in? Like if the Repubs had voted in a child molester does the chairman and leaders still back him anyway? Because Trump is on a pretty low level right now but the chairman and Ryan and all these people are still backing him anyway. Like the staff said it's embarrassing.I know the voters voted Trump in but why can't the chairman and the other leaders come out and say they don't back him personally? Why do they have to keep grinning like everything is ok when they know it is not? I don't get it.
They've trapped themselves BD and they know it. But you raise very good questions:
1. "what does it take for a party to not back a candidate even if he was voted in?"
2. "why can't the chairman and the other leaders come out and say they don't back him personally?
3. Why do they have to keep grinning like everything is ok when they know it is not?"
Re: your first question: I would think there must be some policy guideline in the governing by-laws of both political parties to address such a situation should such a situation (though rare) become clearly evident.
Which brings me to your 2nd (and 3rd) questions.
Basically Repub leaders have abandoned all of their so-called "conservative" values and principles. They despise Trump but they're trying desperately to hang onto his supporters for their votes. To denounce and repudiate Trump would take real *Courage" – and it's clear, Repub leaders who are actively still serving in the Senate and Congress have None.
It is just crazy they are willing to put the whole country at risk just to say the Repubs are back in the White house. That shows where their priorities are and they don't give a damn about the rest of us.
Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the "founder of ISIS" and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee's position.
Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."
Trump objected.
"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."
Hewitt pushed back again, saying that Obama is "not sympathetic" to ISIS and "hates" and is "trying to kill them."
"I don't care," Trump said, according to a show transcript. "He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?"
Hewitt and Trump went back and forth after that, with Hewitt warning Trump that his critics would seize on his use of "founder" as more example of Trump being loose with words.
What you gonna do when Trump wins? You have no clue the anger that had awoken in this country. The pandering hilLIARy is without a doubt the most corrupt person to run and win the nomination for president. Americans see this, how you don't is unbelievable. So when you finish wiping the tears from your face, thank your fellow countrymen for not being as ignorant to the criminal enterprise that the Clinton party machine really is.
Friday, Aug. 12th
GOP insiders: "Trump can't win"
'Trump is under-performing so comprehensively…it would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America,’' said an Iowa Republican.
Republican insiders are more convinced than Democrats that Donald Trump is so far behind Hillary Clinton that he can't win in November.
Roughly half of Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — activists, strategists and operatives in 11 swing states — believe that Trump’s path to 270 electoral votes is basically shut off after another week in which the GOP nominee appears to have ceded ground in national and most battleground state polls.
Democrats, however, aren’t breaking out the champagne just yet. Seventy-two percent of Democratic insiders said despite Clinton’s clear advantage at this stage of the race, the presidential election isn’t effectively over.
Democrats cited the unpredictability of the 2016 campaign, along with some of Clinton’s own weaknesses, for their bridled optimism. It’s a message that fits neatly with what party leaders are saying publicly and behind closed doors: Don’t get too cocky, even with Clinton well ahead of Trump in the polls. […] – Politico
Needless to say – I absolutely agree. The Dems are wise to take Nothing for granted when it comes to this race. Trump still has a solid base of support – though I strongly suspect that his base is shrinking.
Nonetheless, the election is still what?…89-90 days away. And even though I sense that the race is actually over, we all know that a lot can still happen between now and November. And in November We MUST show up and vote.
Friday, Aug. 12th
CNN: Trump backtracks on Obama as ISIL founder: 'Don't they get sarcasm?'
After doubling down on his assertion that President Barack Obama is the “founder” of the Islamic State, Donald Trump on Friday suggested he was being sarcastic. “Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) ‘the founder’ of ISIS, & MVP,” Trump tweeted Friday morning. “THEY DON'T GET SARCASM?”
H/T: Politico
Politico Reader:
Anybody still supporting Trump at this point has to be a total idiot. This is a game to him and now that he knows he is going to lose – he simply doesn't give a damn. That makes Trump very very dangerous. […]
Politico Reader:
George Bush negotiated the troop removal treaty with Iraq. The agreement went into effect after Obama took office. Bush did this because the government of Iraq said if our troops stayed, they would be subject to Iraqi courts and Sharia Law. Trump is cool with this. Or maybe he's just stupid. Bush did the right thing withdrawing the troops. And Obama should not have changed this. […] .
Friday, Aug. 12th
"Trump 'Fine' With Trying American Citizens At Guantanamo Bay"
Donald Trump on Thursday said he was willing to try American citizens in military courts at the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
"Well, I know that they want to try them in our regular court systems, and I don’t like that at all. I don’t like that at all," Trump told the Miami Herald when asked if he would want the military tribunals at Guantanamo to try U.S. citizens. "I would say they could be tried there, that would be fine."
It is not currently legal for the United States to try Americans in military tribunals, and doing so would require Congress changing the law. […]
H/T: Politico
HotAir Reader:
He's putting his insanity right in Macy's window now, isn't he? I never completely dropped the idea that he never wanted to win, one of his early aides said as much, that his outrageous statements were deliberate sabotage. I'm re-examining that theory..[….]
HotAir Reader
He's going to be beaten like the proverbial rented mule. And the die hard Trumpsters will blame everyone but the worst candidate in modern history… […]
About the Time article:
Trump is wrong on every count and there is nothing presidential about this wannabe comedian with his outrageous personal attacks on those who dare oppose his insane ideologies! As Senator Elizabeth Warren stated, Trump is a thinned skin fraud and bully. He allows hate and fear to misguide his every statement…
Trump's popularity is no different than if he were Jerry Springer who positioned himself as president of this great nation. Far to many US citizens are hypnotized by the constant onslaught of daily reality tv shows and Fox News' "hate Obama and Hillary propaganda" to where they live in a virtual or make believe reality. They are incapable in seeing beyond Trump and his lies and distortions stemmed from his snake oil salesman approach as the Master Charlatan in his promise in making this nation great again. They worship celebrities as Gods and to hell with what's best for country. If you've noticed in any Trump rally, they are all white faces among the crowd who thrive on Trump's everyday racist comments. There was one black person spotted in a recent Trump rally who was singled out as "Trump's African American." How absurd is this statement? Trump's version to "make this nation great again," are code words to revive bigotry and racism and strip civil liberties from Hispanics, blacks and other minorities, as well as women in this country.
Trump is a real threat and is on a path to take this nation down a road that no freedom loving American would ever want to go.