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Nelson Mandela Goes Home

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Top News Today – Mandela Goes Home

Nelson Mandela is home.

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The anti-apartheid icon and former South African president had been hospitalized and reportedly near death since early summer.  However, he was released from hospital over the weekend to continue recuperating at home.

At the age of 95, Mandela is still in very critical condition.  However, since his residence has long been outfitted with the same medical equipment found in most hospitals, his transfer home will still provide him with necessary medical care.

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Mandela is presumed to be in the final stages of life, with his life being extended via modern medical procedures.  His family feels they will have greater privacy and more quality time to spend with him being home versus being in hospital.  They also believe home will be a much better location for him to transition whenever he does eventually pass away.

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current events. Today’s article: Nelson Mandela goes home.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. He might be home but he's probably on life support hanging by a thread. He's had a full life so it might be the time to let him go rest.

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