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LIFE Magazine recently discovered in a basement some breathtaking but previously unpublished photographs taken the day Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. On April 4, 1968, LIFE photographer Henry Groskinsky and writer Mike Silva were on assignment in Alabama, when they learned that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had been shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. They raced to the scene and, miraculously, somehow gained complete access to the hotel grounds, Dr. King’s room, and the surrounding area. For reasons that were lost over the years, the photographs taken that night and the next day were never published. Until now.
These photos are emotional, sometimes disturbing, and they eerily capture the full weight of the moment. They are indeed a must see. To view them, click HERE!
I was very young when Dr. King assassinated. But as I grew, my family saw to it that I was educated to the history of the whole Civil Rights Movement_and the ultimate sacrifice of Dr. King, Medgar Evers, the 4 little girls killed in the Birmingham Church bombing, etc.Even as a child, I felt a deep sense of pain upon learning about all of it.And on this anniversary of Dr. King's death I find that "Time" still has not healed the wound.However, I must also say this:It has not been lost on me that_President Obama would NOT be President today had it not been for the votes of MILLIONS of good and Hard-working reasonable and Intellgent WHITE Americans.I will never forget that!!!
I wanted to mention_I am a Black American female.
Well I'm a 49 yr. old white male who's old enough to remember the day MLK was murdered. Regarding what the woman above me said, MLK's death can never be healed. But the election of Mr. obama as president made big steps in the right direction. All we can do as a society is keep looking forward.And for the record I'm a registered independent. I voted for Bush twice (I know, big mistake), but I voted for Obama now.