Last week, Republicans were actively disenfranchising African-American and other minority voters in Georgia in order to “fix” the midterm election. This week, Native American voters in North Dakota are the target.
Don’t look now, but the US Supreme Court has voted to uphold a severe Voter ID law in the State of North Dakota. Under the new law, anyone wishing to vote in any local, state, or federal election is now required to have a state-issued ID with a valid street address. Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to recognize how problematic that is for a state with a huge Native American population.
In North Dakota, almost all Native American residents live on a reservation. Or, in other words, there is no house number or street address. In fact, there is no street at all. For a state with at least 35% of its population without an acceptable ID listing a residential address, North Dakota will effectively be disenfranchising more than a third of its voting populace.
So, how can a Native American resident of the state cast their vote as they have done for years? Under this new law, they can’t — which is why residents have filed a lawsuit and are using every legal resource at their disposal to repeal the law and reinstate their right to vote.
Courtney Yellow Fat, a tribal council member for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, has lived on a reservation for most of his life in a community which historically has never used street names or addresses, but has instead relied on post office boxes. His tribal issued ID is valid, however, to the State of North Dakota it suddenly is not.
Now, Yellow Fat and other Native American voters like him are racing to make sure they have identification listing some sort of street address so that their votes will not be suppressed. Interestingly, these are the same residents who fought against allowing the Dakota Access Pipeline to run directly through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.
“The people here are so used to fighting uphill battles against the US government,” Yellow Fat said.
The question of whether Native American voters will be counted or marginalized is crucial in the upcoming midterm election, particularly since Native Americans across North Dakota are among the nation’s most important group in determining which party will control the US Senate.
According to, North Dakota voters are the most powerful in the country. A vote in North Dakota has more influence on which party will control the Senate majority than a vote in any other state.
North Dakota’s Native American’s are firmly behind incumbent Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat. Should the predominately Republican and conservative State of North Dakota succeed in suppressing the Native American vote, GOP challenger Kevin Cramer would have a dramatically easier path to defeating Sen. Heitkamp.
Surprise! See the game being played here?

If these Native American’s were Republican voters, would the state have issued a brand new law to suppress their vote just in time for the midterm election? Will the lawsuit for Native American’s to regain their voting right be successful, or will legal diversions keep the suit tied up in court for years to come?
More importantly, are the old GOP disenfranchisement games (in order to fix election results) being played in Georgia and now North Dakota the new normal for our political future?
The truth is DJ, as I’ve now lost nearly all respect for the American news media (print and tv) I depend more and more on C-SPAN, foreign news media AND writers such as yourself, to provide me vital, credible NEWS concerning what’s actually happening in my own country at the hands of my own government. Thank you.
Suffice it to say -w/the exception of watching about 60 minutes in total of Joe Scarborough, Fareed Zakaria, Reliable Resources and Rachel Maddow, COMBINED, each week – I’m done with 24/7 cable news. Can’t stomach 99% of it. On the whole, since 9/11, I believe it’s done such great damage to Our country and sadly, I see no let up. Not as long as the business model is based on “the Love of Money” no matter the cost.
In Feb. 2016 Les Moonves (the now ex CEO of CBS) admitted as much when commenting on Trump’s presidential run: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS”
Moonves called the campaign for president a “circus” full of “bomb throwing,” and he {hoped} it continues. – Hollywood Reporter, Feb. 29, 2016
Re; “Native American Voters Disenfranchised In ND”
“Don’t look now, but the US Supreme Court has voted to uphold a severe Voter ID law in the State of North Dakota.” DJ
“H.B. 1369, a North Dakota voter ID law, includes restrictions that disproportionately affect Native American voters.” -Snopes
I had not heard about this new law but sorrowfully I can’t say that I’m surprised. The U.S. Supreme Court is clearly more conservative now courtesy of Trump being elected to the presidency.
Minority groups of ALL types can expect roll-backs and complete striping away of *Rights* that directly affect those groups. Voter suppression /disenfranchisement is just the beginning.
“Elections have Consequences” – Pres.-elect Barack Obama
Just as was shown, concerning Black Americans voters being disenfranchised, in this country……
Once again, too many people -Watch Dog groups and organizations with the “Mission” of fighting to ensure that the Rights of ALL Americans are protected – are caught SLEEPING on the job.
What the Repubs are doing is NOT new. Their relentless fight AGAINST Civil Rights, Equal Rights, even Women’s Rights was made crystal clear decades ago. Repubs have never wanted minorities to have any Rights in the first place…and THAT has NEVER changed.
When it comes to voting- the lackadaisical attitude of too many minority voters (Blacks, Hispanics, Youths, Native Americans) over the years played right into the hands of Repubs. And now that Repubs have the U.S. Supreme Court in their pocket, I truly believe many Rights will likely have to be fought for all over again.
Here’s the real problem- I don’t see ANY leader worth a dime today to lead the way on the front-line, in a fight to protect, or regain even One Right…let alone several. I pray at least one or two Real leaders will emerge from among the new crop of fresh faces and new voices who actually have an inclusive Vision for Our country and is NOT afraid to fight for that vision.
A sidenote: Last night, I watched a great discussion on C-SPAN II concerning the Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars Our Federal government owes Native Americans for specific “FAILURES” on the part of the government. At least $275 Billion dollars.
Keeping them honest: The class action lawsuit filed on behalf of Native American tribes 25 yrs prior was settled under Pres. Obama beginning in 2012. Please note the total amount paid.
“U.S. finalizes $3.4 billion settlement with American Indians” – CNN, Nov. 27, 2012
And in 2015: “The Obama administration has approved a nearly $1-billion settlement with hundreds of Native American tribes, apparently ending a quarter-century of litigation over the failure to reimburse the tribes for providing services that are the federal government’s responsibility.” – LA Times
So under Pres. Obama the Native American tribes got approx $4.4 Billion of the $275 Billion they were owed.
Apparently the Dems have no problem messing over Native Americans either.
I did not know about this law before but glad I know now. Like Truth said these Repub tricks are nothing new. They are always playing some type of game with peoples lives. Suppress black vote and now native american, then playing with social security. I am glad you cover all these stories DJ. Hopefully more people will find out the truth and get rid of these crooks in a couple weeks.