WELCOME HOME! Those are the words of President Obama to U.S. troops, who declared that after nearly 9 years of combat and countless deaths, the war in Iraq is officially over!
It’s been a long time coming. The U.S. military held a ceremony early this morning in Baghdad to lower the flag, officially marking the war that ousted former Iraqi dictator Sadaam Hussein as done. President and Mrs. Obama traveled to Fort Bragg military base yesterday to officially welcome the troops home, who continue a constant and rapid convoy out of Iraq on their way back to America. Aside from a small security force that will remain as stabilizers, all of the troops will be out of Iraq within a matter of just a few more days.
One of Mr. Obama’s top campaign pledges when he ran for president 4 years ago, was to end the Iraq war and bring our troops home. Promise kept. Finally… Mission Accomplished!