Sleeping Man Left Inside Locked Airplane
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This is the true story of Tom Wagoner, who was traveling last week on a United Airlines ExpressJet flight from Louisiana to California to see his sister.
“I was coming from Louisiana to see my sister in California. We had a layover in Texas,” Wagoner said. “I just took my hat off and I took a nap.”
While in his deep and drowsy stupor, 36 passengers disembarked after the short 1 hour flight, but no one noticed the obviously exhausted Wagoner still strapped in and in dreamland. What’s worse is every plane is required to be inspected and cleaned before it is shut down. Although the airline claimed they did a full inspection and even cleaned the plane, they simply “overlooked” the adult male still asleep in his seat. Or in other words, they did nothing and were obviously stretching the truth quite a bit.
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“What if I had a medical condition or something? What if I had a heart attack and I was dead? You just shut the plane and leave someone on there? It’s the way I look at it,” Wagoner said.
The extremely embarrassed airline put Wagoner up in a hotel room at their expense and also gave him a $250 voucher, before flying him to California the next day.
I honestly have to say that this is mainly the fault of this man. Adult men and women and even young adult children need to take responsibility for themselves. You are in charge of your life and your safety. It was no ones responsibility to wake him up. The airline is at fault for lying and not really doing what they are supposed to with their planes which make me wonder if they are keeping up on the maintenance of the airplane. However, this man should have known better to go to sleep in public like he was a 5 year old. This guy looks like he is in his last 50's or early 60's. When do you become accountable for yourself and your decisions?