Wikileaks Claims We’re All Being Spied On

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Wikileaks Claims
We’re All Being Spied On
According to Wikileaks, America is spying on Americans. Is this fact or fiction? Read on…
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In a surprise release on Tuesday that has Americans running for the hills, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange announced that the US government has special hacking tools to monitor its citizens via their smartphones, voice-activated web devices (such as Alexa), and even Smart TVs. Wikileaks specifically named such programs as CrunchyLimeSkies, ElderPiggy, AngerQuake and McNugget, which can listen in on Skype phone calls, read PDF documents off a computer, and even steal passwords using the autocomplete function on Internet Explorer.
Although WikiLeaks did not identify the source of the documents that it calls Vault 7, it did say they had been “circulated among former US government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.”
In a statement, WikiLeaks said the source set out policy questions that “urgently need to be debated in public, including whether the CIA’s hacking capabilities exceed its mandated powers and the problem of public oversight of the agency.” It added that the source “wishes to initiate a public debate about the security, creation, use, proliferation and democratic control of cyberweapons.”
The document dump was the latest coup for the antisecrecy organization and what some intelligence sources are calling a serious blow to the CIA, which uses its hacking abilities to carry out espionage against foreign targets.
And in other news, water is wet!
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The fact is, yes, of course, the US government can hack into just about any device or piece of modern technology there is — but so can the foreign-intelligence agencies of Britain, France, Russia, and China. However, unless you’re a high-priority target, such as a terrorist, arms dealer, foreign politician, diplomat, or spy, the CIA probably has zero interest in your conversations or activities. After all, with more than 300 million people living in America and millions more around the world, there’s just not enough manpower to monitor every person every second of the day. Also, your conversations are just not that interesting.
So, why all the commotion?
Wikileaks has a long history of working very closely with the Russian government. In fact, they were behind the leak of the Hillary Clinton emails just prior to the 2016 presidential election that widely contributed to the election of Donald Trump. So, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to consider that Wikileaks is likely part of a Russian campaign to undermine US intelligence agencies while lending credence to Donald Trump’s allegations that former President Barack Obama spied on him.
The thinking here is that if Wikileaks can prove to Americans that their government has the ability to spy on them without their knowledge, then certainly it must be true that Barack Obama spied on Trump without his knowledge. Then, of course, Donald Trump would be vindicated and proven to be right.
“The people who know a lot about security and hacking assumed that the CIA was at least investing in these capabilities, and if they weren’t, then somebody else was — China, Iran, Russia, as well as a lot of other private actors,” said Beau Woods, the deputy director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington. He added that the disclosures may raise concerns in the United States and abroad about “the trustworthiness of technology where cybersecurity can impact human life and public safety.”
The reality is, some of the CIA hacking tools mentioned in the WikiLeaks dump are real. However, some of them probably are not. We may never know, but even if we did, would it really matter?
For as long as we voluntarily place baby monitors, security cameras, and other monitoring devices around our homes, even if the US government isn’t checking in on us, Joe Hacker down the street probably is.
So, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to consider that Wikileaks is likely part of a Russian campaign to undermine US intelligence agencies …[….]
DJ, it's not a stretch at all. In fact, I believe Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, indeed is in bed with Russian president, Vladimir Putin, to undermine Our entire system of government. Our democracy.
I knew that – when Assange released all those Hillary Clinton-related emails to the public he most likely was NOT going to stop there. Both Assange and Putin want to humiliate Us.
But here's the rub. With the election of Trump, Putin was initially willing to *play* nice because Putin knew that Trump would be a useful tool in helping him gain a more Russian-friendly relationship with the U.S.
However, thanks to the astonishing display of incompetencies on the part of Trump and darn near every member of his staff (since winning the election) ADDED TO the mental, temperamental and ethical Unfitness of Trump himself, looks like Putin has seen and heard Enough. All "play nice' bets are off. Enter – Julian Assange again with the leaking of the CIA docs.
The American news media (besides Rachelle, Fareed and a few other notable news ) had better grow a brain. I contend that Wikileaks dumps of ill-gotten emails and documents are a threat not just to our National Security but to Our Sovereignty. .
Anyone…and I do mean Anyone….who has paid any attention to the mindset of Americans (generally speaking) – know that it doesn't take much to scare most White Americans. And Trump's rise, in particular, clearly proves that It doesn't take much AT ALL to easily sow the seeds of FEAR, Paranoia, Division and Hate.
Wikileaks is not just Cyber-warfare. It's a also a form of PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare.
The CIA said it's just doing its job, whether or not it has a giant arsenal of hacking tools for phones, computers and smart TVs.
After WikiLeaks released thousands of documents claiming to show the CIA's tools for hacking into iPhones, Android phones, computers, cars and smart TVs, the US government agency is standing its ground in the spy vs. spy face-off.
While the CIA still will not confirm or deny if the documents are authentic, it argues that hacking and gathering intelligence is exactly what it should be doing.
"It is CIA's job to be innovative, cutting edge, and the first line of defense in protecting this country from enemies abroad," Jonathan Liu, a CIA spokesman said in an emailed statement. "America deserves nothing less."
I think the wikileaks thing hurt the CIA and agencies the most because it made public some of the secret things they do. But if anybody is freaking out about knowing the CIA can hack into our phones or whatever they are just being stupid. What do you think the CIA is for, to bake cookies? Their whole job is to spy. Unless you have a reason to worry about them spying on you then it probably won't ever effect you.