Current Events

Stallone, Ingraham, Nugent Attack Parkland Kids

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The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL were attacked by a crazed gunman this past February. Now a mere 2 months after that school shooting, the students are still under attack — from the conservative and NRA gun-loving voices of D-list actor Frank Stallone, Fox News analyst Laura Ingraham, and way-past-his-prime rocker Ted Nugent.

Current Events
Let’s take a look at the attacks these ADULTS have levied against the CHILDREN who survived a school shooting:

Emma Gonzales, David Hogg



The 67-year-old brother of Sylvester Stallone showed his true colors last week when he took to social media to attack a 17-year-old teenager — a kid who is 50 years his junior.  Although David Hogg survived the mass shooting at his school, he was forced to endure the wrath of Stallone for daring to have a different opinion about guns in America.

“This David Hogg p*ssy is getting a little big for his britches. I’m sure someone from his age group is dying to sucker punch this rich little b*tch,” Stallone tweeted. “Watch him run home like the coward he is. He’s the worst rep for today’s youth headline-grabbing punk.”

stalloneSoon thereafter, Stallone realized the world was not racing to get behind his verbal assault of the surviving teen, so he made a desperate attempt to save face by issuing this weak apology:

To everyone and to David Hogg especially. I want to deeply apologize for my irresponsible words. I would never in a million years wish or promote violence to anyone anywhere on this planet. After what these kids went through I’m deeply ashamed. Please accept my apology. Frank

— Frank Stallone (@Stallone) April 1, 2018

Initially, many outraged social media users discussed boycotting Stallone and his projects for his vulgarity and inhumane reaction toward a child.  However, once they Googled who he was and realized they’d have to time-travel back to the late 1970’s to find any project of his that was even relevant, the boycott was called off!

Oh, and did Stallone honestly think he could call someone a “p*ssy” and a “b*tch” one day, then receive forgiveness the next??



When the tart-tongued Fox News host saw the huge turnout for the international MARCH FOR OUR LIVES event against gun violence, she somehow believed picking a fight against David Hogg for being one of the organizers was a brilliant idea.

“David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.), Ingraham tweeted.

Like Stallone, the 54-year-old Fox News host convinced herself that she could bully 17-year-old David Hogg into submission and shut him down with a quickness. However, what she did not expect next was the very adult-like response from the high school senior: hit her in her pocket.

stalloneHogg went public with her tweet then called on advertisers to stop supporting her Fox News show. The sponsors responded in droves, dropping ad dollars from Ingraham’s show like a bad habit and forcing her to issue this lukewarm public apology:

“Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. @DavidHogg111,” Ingraham tweeted. “On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how ‘poised’ he was given the tragedy. As always, he’s welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion.”

Yeah, right!

The very next day, Ingraham announced plans to take a sudden, weeklong “vacation.”

The day after that, David Hogg publicly called Ingraham out for being a “bully” then politely rejected her apology.



Has-been rocker and current day Donald Trump ass-kisser Ted Nugent, who is also a board member of the NRA, decided to participate in the pile up against David Hogg and the other survivors of the Florida school shooting:

stallone“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies. I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless,” Nugent said.

“To attack the good, law-abiding families of America when well-known, predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul. … These children can’t be critical of any of the propaganda that they’re fed and that’s just sad.”

He then went on to defend the NRA itself after watching a clip of Emma Gonzalez, one of the march organizers, speak about politicians accepting “blood money” from the gun rights organization.

stallone“The level of ignorance goes beyond stupidity,” Nugent said. “Again, the National Rifle Association are a bunch of American families who have a voice to stand up for our God-given Constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. We have no blood on our hands. No NRA member have ever been involved in any mass shootings at all. … So once again, this poor pathetic individual is a liar.”

As soon as the general public was able, they took to social media to berate him for speaking so harshly against a group of kids who are still getting over the grief of losing friends and being shot at. However, Nugent refused to take the apology route of Stallone and Ingraham. Instead, he doubled-down on his diatribe against the students:

“The guy has been brainwashed, it’s tragic,” Nugent told WABC Radio on Monday. “I don’t think the guy can be fixed…I don’t have anything to say to David Hogg. This guy is a lost cause. He is consumed with hate. He is part of the problem, not the solution.”


Current Events
What’s wrong with a world that believes it’s a good idea to taunt and bully shooting survivors?? Better yet, what type of world are we living in when the bullies are adults and the people they’re targeting are children??

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Frank Stallone and others pick on Parkland survivors.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Each of these grown people should be ashamed of themselves. Not only for attacking shooting survivors but attacking shooting survivors who are kids. These kids have done nothing wrong. They were shot at so it makes sense they want some gun laws. I bet the first person who was hit by a drunk driver wanted drunk driving laws. Nothing out of the ordinary here. I respect David Hogg for acting like the adult here and taking the high road. The real adults can go to h*ll.


I had hoped to get to this sooner but it’s been busier than usual at work today. Let me start by cosigning with BD. His entire response is spot on -including his directive to the so-called “real” adults (who attack those kids) to “go to h*ll.” I couldn’t AGREE with him more. You see I happen to believe there is indeed a Special place in H*LL for people who attack ANY child. Full Stop. Grotesque creatures, like Stallone, Ingraham and Nugent are the typical run-of-the-mill ignorant-azzez with VERY dark hearts. And think about it – it takes a special kind of STUPID to go after kids for simply trying to SAVE LIVES- their own as well as ALL of Us -from being MASSACRED like a dog in the streets by a Killer (or Killers) in-waiting w/quick and easy access to ALL the guns they could ever get their hands on.… Read more »

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