He looks like a cross between a church boy and a nerd. But this young teen is neither. In fact, he is a major drug dealer.
An unnamed 17-year-old minor student is allegedly at the center of a marijuana drug ring in Ohio that grossed $20,000 per month. An undercover investigation by a drug task force near Cincinnati discovered the complex system of growers and sellers, with the teen as the focal point of the operation.
Authorities seized over 600 high-grade marijuana plants from multiple hydroponic grow houses. Each plant yields approximately 1 pound of marijuana, with a street value of $3 million in all.
Authorities say the adults grew and sold the high quality marijuana to the student, who was 15 when the investigation started. The student would then direct his 6 employees to sell marijuana outside school grounds. He was so savvy, if any of his employees sold on school property, they were cut off, according to authorities.
“Clearly he’s a very intelligent individual, he was somebody who was operating really a major drug organization” at a young age, said said Prosecutor David Fornshell of Warren County. “He clearly has some intelligence, but certainly misguided.”
The student had $6,000 in his bedroom inside his parents’ home when officers arrived to serve a search warrant. The parents were not involved in the drug trafficking.