Current Events
Either they really just don’t get it, or they’re really just that stupid!
Stirring up more hatred towards the Obama’s, South Carolina GOP activist and former State Elections Commission Chairman Rusty DePass is now the latest Republican to be caught in the act of racial insensitivity toward the First Family. DePass is responsible for a controversial posting on his Facebook page, which says a gorilla that escaped from a local zoo was an “ancestor” of Michelle Obama. His exact words in relating the escaped primate to the First Lady of the United States were “I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors – probably harmless.” DePass admitted he was referring to Michelle Obama and in a forced apology said, “I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest.” Hmmmmm…. WATCH:

DJ:“Either they really just don't get it, or they're really just that stupid!”Unfortunately, most of them are both_REALLY Stupid and therefore they just DON'T get it!I give you example #100: “Tennessee GOP Staffer Emails Racist Obama "Spook" Photo”Sherri Goforth, an executive assistant for Tennessee State Rep. Diane Black (R-Gallatin), sent this picture out to other legislative staffers:See "Spook" Picture:… For some reason I counldn't post the picture here?Huffington Post:[The email was headlined "Historical Keepsake Photo."One staffer who received the email publicized it online: I talked to my local rep, Mark Maddox about it, and described the picture to him at a recent fund raising event. I think he was as appalled as I was. I was going to post it last week but there was a death in my family and I had to think about it _because it made me mad.But, you know, people need to know that this stuff is going on. I would be just as angry if a democratic staffer had sent it.Dammit, Tennessee, haven't we moved past this kind of crap. I'm serious."Goforth admitted to sending the email, but she apologized only for sending it to the wrong people. "I went on the wrong email and I inadvertently hit the wrong button," Goforth said. "I'm very sick about it, and it's one of those things I can't change or take back." ]Like I said_most of them are both_REALLY stupid and therefore DON'T get it!
(Off topic)Hey DJ…I hope you’ll consider doing a post on the events currently unfolding in Iran.I can’t think of a finer example of the power of Educated YOUNG people, the “Winds of Change” and a DYING institution. The election appears to have been "RIGGED" in such an OBVIOUS manner that it’s sparked a Massive Oppositional Youth driven movement that seems to be growing day by day. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has now ordered an investigation into claims of voter fraud. Is the call for an investigation a genuine move to get to the Truth? NO. It’s a PR move at damage control. But the fact that the rulers felt the need to appear to endorse an investigation is, in and of itself, a rather amazing turn of events! Did the regime PANIC at the real possibility that Mousavi was about to win the Presidency? It sure looks that way. Was the election itself actually “stolen”? That's the million $ question(?) There are reasons to believe that Ahmadinejad would have won anyway, albeit by a smaller margin.But the regimes heavy-handed overreach was incredibly STUPID and backfired. Could the protests be the beginning of a turning point in the direction of 21st century Iran? We shall see.