Party Loyalty vs. Good Of Country

Politics –
Party Loyalty vs. Good Of Country
Despite hordes of Republicans running away from the new “Party of Trump,” some conservatives are surprisingly sticking with party loyalty and vowing to support “The Donald” all the way to The White House.
It’s an interesting question many within the GOP are now forced to ask themselves: should they stick with party loyalty and get behind Trump, or should they put country ahead of politics and keep an unqualified bigot out of the Oval Office?
For the majority of former GOP presidential contenders, the answer is easy — NeverTrump!  Despite signing a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, many have now ripped that promise to shreds, held their nose and hopped on the Hillary train. So, are they right or wrong?
Pros and cons exist for both sides of the argument. Â For Republicans who never took Trump seriously during the early days, it has now come down to the age-old idea of “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!” Like it or not, Donald J. Trump is almost certain to be the 2016 Republican nominee for president, so for the sake of the party, it may be worthwhile to work with him rather than against him.
However, there’s a severe flip side to this argument.
Trump has proven throughout the primary process that he is an unpredictable loose cannon.  He’s also never once held any elected office, knows very little about how the world works, has already made enemies with scores of world leaders and seems deeply unfamiliar with a little document known as the U.S. Constitution.  Party loyalty or not, is this the type of person AMERICA wants representing it on the world stage?  Is this the person AMERICA wants in charge of the nuclear codes??
If Donald Trump and most of his party disagreed on mere ideology, the choice might not be so urgent. However, for a man who’s been compared to the 2nd coming of Hitler and called unqualified to even be elected dog catcher, the stakes may be much too high this time to place party loyalty over the good of the country.
Yeah I see some Repubs racing to kiss up to Trump now. Or they were against him before but all a sudden for him but I can see through that. Wishy washy Rick Perry is one of them but he is just trying to get Trump to pick him for vp. Plus these Repubs can say they support Trump just to save face but we don't know who they vote for when it comes down to it and they get in the voting booth.
Sadly, putting Party loyalty over "Good of Country" is nothing new for most Repub conservatives:
1. SEE their overwhelming support for the Unprovoked Invasion of Iraq
2. And SEE pretty much everything they've done that has had devastating effects on this country since their embrace of the Southern Strategy, following the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
In light of their reprehensible history Repub support for Trump (real or fake) in favor of party loyalty over "Good of Country" is not a stretch at all. It's quite typical of what they do and who they are.
Btw- Dems who supported the Iraq invasion are the worse in my eyes because they showed loyalty to neither their party nor to the good of our country..