Transgender Movement: Dangers And Regrets
Is the transgender movement all it’s cracked up to be?
Lifestyle :
Among today’s younger generations, the non-binary and transgender movement has become all the rage. Males and females have gone giddy over their newfound flexibility of being able to identify as male one day and female the next — and for everyone to go along with it. Granted, there are those who have genuine internal conflicts regarding their actual gender. However, for (what appears to be) most, the ability to go against the grain and “pick-and-choose” a gender choice as easily as picking a pair of socks has become about as trendy as sagging pants and unlaced shoe laces.

In short, many members of the younger generation are simply playing a kid’s game by switching genders (in name and appearance) and getting everyone to join in their game of make-believe. However, for those who go deeper into the transgender movement and actually agree to endure gender-altering surgery, it’s a totally different experience.
Although some members of the transgender movement couldn’t be happier with their choice, the result doesn’t always end with happily ever after.

Daniel Black was born a male but underwent surgery to become female when he was only 19. Now 23, Black says he began his initial transition at the age of 17 (after only a 30-minute consultation with a doctor) because of bullying at school and because his mother, a Jehovah’s Witness, implied his male body was disgusting.
Like so many teenagers who are just coming of age, Black doubted his masculinity and sexual orientation. So, he declared himself transgender and sought hormonal treatment. Soon thereafter, he underwent full surgery and had his male sex organ removed. Black then began a new life under the new name Daniela, became a hairstylist, and looked forward to living a happy life as a woman.
“I felt like I was playing a role, a role that I was faking – which is obviously exactly what every trans person does but they mostly don’t think of it that way.

“I had to learn how to talk like a woman, how to walk like one, and how to move my hands and fingers like women do.”
Interestingly, “Daniela” never considered that she would soon begin feeling remorse and having second thoughts about being allowed to make a drastic life change at such a young age. She also never considered that her thoughts would turn dangerous.
“The surgery destroyed my life,” Black said while admitting to being deeply unhappy and attempting suicide several times.
“I knew that there were only two options for me — go through a detransition, or die.”
Although reversing gender surgery is next to impossible, Black wanted to try. Daniel/Daniela underwent multiple painful surgeries in an attempt to remove implants and rebuild chest muscles. Miraculously, it worked.
Now, Daniel considers himself male again. However, he says there are complications from the “detransition” which goes well beyond his body.
For starters, Black became engaged to a woman while he was a “woman” and before he transitioned back to being a man.
“She is a biological woman and I was playing the role of a fake one,” Black said.

To add to the confusion, the government still considers him a female based on his first change.
Additionally, Black is currently receiving testosterone injections since his body can no longer produce enough (due to the first surgery and hormones). He also hopes to undergo experimental surgery to have a male sex organ reattached to his body.
“I cannot orgasm, have children, or lead a normal sex life and I miss my genitals every day,” Black said.
Daniel Black originally ran from his manhood and thought becoming a female was the solution to years of teenage bullying. Now, he and his partner want to build a safe space for those who mistakenly get caught up in the transgender movement.
“Me and my fiance’ want to prevent people from going through transition and help those who have already transitioned and now deal with regret,” Black said.
Looking back on his ordeal, Black suggests that anyone dealing with confusion over their gender should first receive psychotherapy. If, after therapy, they still believe they should proceed with surgery, then ok. Otherwise, he hopes no one else ever has to endure what he has been through.

“For the first time in forever I am not acting or hiding behind a mask, I am honest about who I am and it’s utterly terrifying. Terrifying and liberating,” Daniel Black said.
“I’m happier now than ever before. Transition was the biggest mistake of my life and I hope I can prevent at least a few people from making that mistake too.”
He added: “I knew that my transition was a mistake and I made peace with it. I figured out that there is nothing better for my mental and physical health than simply being what I really am — a man. I [also] figured out that my life wasn’t as ruined as I used to think it was and that there truly is a way back.”
OK WASSUP! discusses Lifestyle News:
Dangers of the transgender movement.
DJ, thank you for opening up a discussion on this extremely Serious matter!
Regular readers know how I feel about this! And I wish this topic was more widely discussed in an Honest way in the media and in our society because the lives of so many young people are being irreparably damaged and destroyed by the absolute failings of their parents and by a medical industry (I refuse to call it Healthcare) driven solely by $$$.
(I gotta run to prepare for an early morning meeting at my job but trust, I shall return)…..
Understanding the reasons some transgender people quit treatment is key to improving it, especially for the rising number of minors seeking to medically transition, experts say. But for many researchers, detransitioning and regret have long been untouchable subjects.
Many have said their gender identity remained fluid well after the start of treatment, and a third of them expressed regret about their decision to transition from the gender they were assigned at birth. Some said they avoided telling their doctors about detransitioning out of embarrassment or shame. Others said their doctors were ill-equipped to help them with the process. Most often, they talked about how transitioning did not address their mental health problems.
Wil, thanks for sharing this!
That last sentence confirms Exactly what I’ve been saying since the earliest days of this dangerous fad taking root. Medically mutilating your body, pretending to be something you’re NOT and can NEVER be does NOT heal your brokenness, your hurt or your pain.
It makes it worse!
I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it…..
Absolutely no one under the age of 18 should be allowed to have THAT surgery..Ever. Nor should they Ever be given any kind of hormone injections.
If you’re 18 or over you should have to undergo at least 3 Years of Intensive psychotherapy AND you must live your life as the opposite gender (minus the surgery) for at least 5 years BEFORE being allowed to have that surgery.
This right here said it all for me:
In short, many members of the younger generation are simply playing a kid’s game by switching genders (in name and appearance) and getting everyone to join in their game of make-believe.
You can dress like a woman, cut your body up to look like a woman, make everybody call you a woman. But that still does not make you a woman. A lot of people have pain inside them over something. Going to get surgery just to look like a woman is not the answer.
BD, I’m telling you…this Transgender madness makes me So angry!
We’re looking at a generation of young people who are already lost, confused and filled with hopelessness, depression and pain.
This dangerous and destructive “game” makes Everything they’ve been struggling with so much worse
I wish to avoid being insensitive and I apologize in advance if this offends anyone. It seems to me there are underlying psychological issues associated with people who go through gender reassignment. Like the article says, they are running from one thing to another in search of a solution. Perhaps if the psychological issue were addressed instead of surgery they may find the happiness they’re seeking.
“Perhaps if the psychological issue(s) were addressed instead of surgery they may find the happiness they’re seeking.”
And let the Church say AAAMEN!