
Trump ‘Love Affair’ With Vladimir Putin Exposed

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A new book has exposed a dangerous Donald Trump ‘love affair’ with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Politics :
Remember when Donald Trump used to frequently exchange ‘love letters’ with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un? Now, it appears, the object of his affection has shifted to yet another dictator: Vladimir Putin.

Trump Love Affair
Trump with Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin

In a damning expose’ from the new book War by noted journalist Bob Woodward, it appears Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have engaged in a closer relationship than most Americans realize.  

For example, Woodward wrote that during the pandemic of 2020, Trump secretly sent Putin a plethora of rare COVID-19 test kits for his personal use. Strangely, the US did not have a surplus of these tests and multiple communities across the country were forced to go without them. Now we know that Trump favored protecting Putin during the pandemic over his own citizens.

This unorthodox Trump love affair with Putin was so secretive and his gift so clandestine, that Putin himself urged Trump to keep it all a secret from the American people.

“I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you,” Putin told Trump. “Please don’t tell anybody you sent these to me.”

“I don’t care,” Trump responded.

“No, no. I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me. They don’t care about me,” Putin replied.

Trump Love Affair

As if that wasn’t enough, the Woodward book also revealed that since leaving The White House, Donald Trump has spoken with Vladimir Putin by telephone at least 7 times.

Now, it is not out of the ordinary for former presidents to speak with foreign leaders after they’ve left office.  However, they only do so with the permission and knowledge of The White House and the US State Department. This has been customary for every former president… except Donald Trump.

According to The New York Times, 19 current and former Trump and Biden administration officials and career intelligence officers have said they were unaware and received no prior knowledge of any contact between Trump and Putin since he left office. However, a former aide did admit that Trump once ordered them out of the room so he could speak privately with the Russian dictator — a move similar to the time in 2018 when Trump ordered all of his aides out of the room so he could meet privately with Putin.

In response to the Trump love affair with Putin, Trump communications director Steven Cheung called the Woodward book worthy of a “bargain bin.”

“None of these made-up stories by Bob Woodward are true and are the work of a truly demented and deranged man who suffers from a debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Cheung said in a statement. However, despite pushback from the Trump camp, Bob Woodward is a veteran investigative journalist who, along with Carl Bernstein, broke the original news on the Watergate scandal for The Washington Post during the early 1970s.

Granted, the Donald Trump love affair with Vladimir Putin is bizarre at best. However, what’s worse is that the 7 telephone conversations between Trump and Putin occurred after the war with Ukraine began — and after the US issued sanctions against Russia in an effort to halt Putin’s attempt to seize the sovereign state. Additionally, the telephone talks were during a period when Trump was holding a treasure trove of classified documents in a basement bathroom at his Mar-a-lago estate.

Trump Love Affair

Why did Donald Trump give rare COVID tests to Russia while US citizens were left shorthanded? Why did Trump call Putin 7 times within the past 4 years without advance knowledge or permission from federal officials? What is Trump’s unhealthy obsession with dictators from around the world?

Could this new Woodward book become an October surprise against Donald Trump?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“Could this new Woodward book become an October suprise against Donald Trump?”

No, hardcore MAGAt voters won’t/and don’t give a fig about Anything Trump does no matter how depraved, vile, racist, ignorant, corrupt or Treasonous.

I’m sorry to keep repeating myself. But Trump is a reflection of his supporters. They have no bottom. He has no bottom.

However, for a small sliver of MAGAt voters who perhaps aren’t as hardcore (if they exist) this may prove to be a tipping point for them to finally abandon Trump(?) 🤔

We shall see.

Last edited 5 days ago by Truthiz1

Maybe a few independents or those claiming they are undecided might be affected by this. But no way Maga cares.


Yes, yes, I agree BD. Maybe a few Independents.


My sincerest apology DJ! I’m about to go off Again on the American news media’s disgraceful and disgusting role in ALL of the Trump-related madness WE (all of America), have been forced to deal with on a Daily basis, since at least 2012. 😠

They gave him a free, Global platform to wage his War against most of America and American democracy. And I want to see them held accountable for their absolutely reprehensible and craven actions (Joseph Goebbels would be so proud)! 😳

I know that it will probably never happen but I can still hope.

Last edited 5 days ago by Truthiz1

Let the church say amen. The media built Trump up. They helped create this monster all because he made them money.


We are so use to hearing stuff like this I am not surprised anymore. Everybody already knows he is a threat to democracy and probably gave up a lot of info to the enemy. Election day cannot get here soon enough for me.


“Election day cannot get here soon enough for me.”

Hear! Hear!

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