Foreign Dirt Against A Rival Is Acceptable: Trump

If some far away nation presented him with ‘foreign dirt’ against one of his political rivals, Donald Trump says he would gladly take it.
No, your eyes are not deceiving you and yes, Donald Trump did, for a 2nd time, welcome foreign help to get him elected.
In 2016, Trump invited the Russian government to “find the 30,000 [Hillary Clinton] emails that are missing.” Simultaneously, his son, Don Jr., staged a meeting at Trump Tower with Russian operatives to collect negative intel on the Democratic presidential nominee.
Fast forward to 2019 and Donald Trump is now blatantly declaring without shame that if some foreign dirt was presented to him against any Democrat who opposes him now or in 2020, he would willingly take that information and run with it. If that wasn’t enough, ‘The Donald’ also admitted that not only would he use such information to his advantage, but he would also refuse to inform the FBI or any other government agency of the foreign threat.
“I think you might want to listen. There isn’t anything wrong with listening,” Trump said in an interview on Wednesday with ABC News. “I think I’d want to hear it.”
His words were the most unbelievable stance any US president has ever taken or could ever take after being informed of a foreign entity engaging in efforts to influence US politics — not to mention that the entity would be operating with the full knowledge and permission of the President of the United States.
Trump’s shocking position immediately put him at odds with national security professionals within his own administration. However, ‘The Donald’ remained completely unfazed and reiterated that he is open for business to any and all foreign dirt on all political rivals.
In his March report, Special counsel Robert Mueller detailed extensive contact between the Trump campaign and the Russians but was unable to conclude there was a criminal conspiracy. Now, with his unusual admission, Trump may have just handed Democratic leaders in the US House of Representatives new ammunition to use against him in a potential impeachment trial.
Stay tuned…
Ok this is the last straw for me. Dems have to start impeachment against him no choice. And whatever that clause is they do when a president is mentally incapable has to be included too because this proves Trump is seriously not well. He is just coming out and saying he would work against America election with a foreign leader. That is sick and he has to go.
(CNN)President Trump’s invitation to foreign powers to interfere in American elections is the Founding Fathers’ worst nightmare.
And every conservative congressman who’s ever called themselves an “originalist” ought to quickly condemn it or be forever labeled a hyperpartisan hack and a hypocrite.
This isn’t a tough call. The Founding Fathers were obsessed with foreign nations interfering with our elections and influencing our domestic debates. And it wasn’t a naive or paranoid concern — it was rooted in their understanding of how democratic republics had been undermined throughout history.