Ted Cruz Part II In The Works?

Politics –
Ted Cruz Part II In The Works?
Last Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out of the Republican race for president — or did he? Are you ready for Ted Cruz Part II?
The past week has been a whirlwind for the Grand Ol’ Party, not to mention Donald Trump. By outlasting all of his challengers, Trump has become the presumptive nominee for his party. Now, hordes of Republicans are fleeing the party in disgust, joining the #NeverTrump movement and vowing to support Democrat Hillary Clinton rather than ever see “The Donald” in the Oval Office.
That’s where Ted Cruz Part II comes in.
Recognizing a rare window of opportunity, Cruz is now beginning to reconsider his exit from the presidential primary. Although he admits his chances of actually landing the nomination are slim, Ted Cruz Part Ii is actually flirting with the idea of tossing his hat back into the ring.
In a recent interview with conservative radio host Glenn Beck on TheBlaze Radio Network, Cruz said he would “respond accordingly” if he saw a viable path to winning the 2016 Republican nomination.
“I am not holding my breath,” Cruz told Beck, who campaigned heavily for Cruz. “My assumption is that that will not happen. … The reason we suspended the race last week is with Indiana’s loss I didn’t see a viable path to victory.”
When asked if he would consider getting back into the race if he won Tuesday’s Nebraska primary (he did not), Cruz lit up with determination. “If that changes, we will certainly respond accordingly.”
After consistently coming in 2nd place throughout the primaries, there is no real path to the nomination for Cruz short of a convention floor fight. Still, Cruz remains hopeful yet delusional — as does his wife, Heidi Cruz — who recently compared his failed presidential bid to slavery.
“Be full of faith and so full of joy that this team was chosen to fight a long battle,” Mrs. Cruz told supporters. “Think that slavery — it took 25 years to defeat slavery. That is a lot longer than four years.”
In response to a possible Ted Cruz Part II candidacy, Donald Trump was unfazed.
“I think if Ted has a future in Republican politics in this country, I think he’ll want to preserve that,” Trump adviser Sam Clovis responded. “By suspending his campaign and then trying to jump back in before the convention, I think it damages his brand.”
In light of Trump’s victory coast toward the nomination, Cruz and other Republicans have called him a fake conservative, while saying the conservative movement “remains strong and vibrant” despite the primary and caucus victories of a less conservative candidate. However, when asked if he would endorse Trump, Cruz deflected the question a bit.
“The Republican convention isn’t for another two-and-a-half months; the election isn’t for another six months,” he said. “I think we need to watch and see what the candidates say and do.”
Could that be code that Ted Cruz Part II is on the horizon?
Ted should just go somewhere and *siddown.*
And now that the charade is over (regarding the presidential runs of Cruz, Carson and Rubio) time for Repubs to fess up to what EVERYBODY knows – the Republican party is the party of WHITE Americans. End of story. The chances of OLD (and middle-aged) White Repubs casting their majority vote for anyone other than a WHITE man for President was always slim….mighty slim-to-None (SEE Trump's big wins with Southern WHITES, including Southern WHITE evangelicals).
It was a hoot watching cable-news dweebs perplexed by Cruz's loss of his "natural" base to Trump!?! Cruz's so-called Southern "firewall" simply vanished, Poof. Gone. Trump, the "real" American got those votes. Hence, no contested convention. Just Trump seizing the GOP's nomination in all his White Nationalist glory.
Okay (sigh)..about Heidi's "slavery" comment: :
“Be full of faith and so full of joy that this team was chosen to fight a long battle,” Mrs. Cruz told supporters. “Think that slavery — it took 25 years to defeat slavery. That is a lot longer than four years.”
I have no words….smh. None.
Oh God no. He needs to learn when to leave well enough alone.