No, hell hasn’t frozen over yet. However, with the Ukraine/whistleblower dilemma decimating the orange man in the Oval Office by the day, could a Donald Trump resignation soon be on the horizon?
Last week when the Ukraine/whistleblower story broke, Trump dug out his predictable “witch hunt” defense then made himself out to be the victim, created the storyline that the whistleblower is a “spy” who should be punished, and even inspired Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera to say on-air that he’d like to punch the “rotten snitch” whistleblower for following the law and doing his/her duty.
Fast forward 24 hours later and all hell broke loose forcing Trump to shift his strategy.
The Ukraine telephone transcript was released, the official whistleblower report made its way to Congress, a potentially massive cover-up was exposed, special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker resigned out of nowhere (guilt?), the House issued subpoenas to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as 5 other State Department officials, Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr went rogue and dug a deeper hole for all involved, while Republicans went radio-silent and Trump’s troubles grew into what some are calling insurmountable odds.
With 49% of Americans already in support of the congressional impeachment inquiry after only 5 days (and that number expected to grow), a Donald Trump resignation seems almost inevitable.
Let’s take a look at the facts.
Fox’s Geraldo Rivera: “I’d love to wap” “rotten snitch” whistleblower
— Timothy Johnson (@timothywjohnson) September 27, 2019
If Donald Trump is impeached and removed from office, his presidential cloak will no longer protect him from the law and he could face prosecution and jail time for crimes involving Ukraine, the Southern District of New York’s case involving Russia and the 2016 election, and more. However, even if he is not removed from office, this impeachment inquiry and all the dirt that will come out in the wash will become a huge stain on his reelection hopes.
Or, in other words, Trump’s days in The White House could soon end via impeachment or within a year via a lost election. Either could see Trump exchanging his oversized suits for a black and white prison jumper — a costume change he is desperate to avoid.
So, with his boat seemingly sinking by the second, what is ‘The Donald’s’ best chance at saving himself? A Trump resignation!
“Trump will not be removed from office by the constitutional impeachment and removal process. Instead, the self-professed supreme dealmaker will use his presidency as a bargaining chip with federal and state authorities in 2019, agreeing to leave office in exchange for the relevant authorities not pursuing criminal charges against him, his children or the Trump Organization.” – Alan J. Steinberg, former EPA administrator
Trump could take a page from the Richard Nixon playbook and strike a deal with Mike Pence (similar to the deal ‘Tricky-Dick’ struck with then-Vice President Gerald Ford). The deal would dictate that Trump step aside and allow Pence to become president in exchange for Pence granting Trump a full pardon once he’s the new Commander-In-Chief.
Or, Trump could strike a deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and federal authorities that he resign on the condition that all inquiries into his acts as president, business deals, family, etc. immediately cease and that he and his family be granted full immunity.
For as long as Donald Trump remains in The White House, he will find every way imaginable to skirt the law and avoid the consequences. However, one day the Constitution will have its say and Trump will have to leave the presidency behind. Then, he will be forced to pay the piper for his misdeeds and infractions.
Now, let’s be honest. Donald Trump wants the easy way out. He wants to go back to his cushy pre-Washington life and wake up every morning inside Trump Tower and not Riker’s Island. He’d also prefer to avoid an impeachment trial where his taxes and family scandals could be placed front and center for all the world to see. The only way to truly protect himself is a Trump resignation — where he could create the false narrative that HE chose to step down and that somehow it was all a masterful victory.
So, don’t be surprised if we soon see ‘The Donald’ strike a deal, step aside, then slip back into private life for the rest of his miserable days. It’s the only way to save his own hide and fool his base into believing he’s still a winner.
“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
The response is attributed to Benjamin Franklin —at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation
Nancy Pelosi quotes Thomas Paine:
“The times have found us today. Not to place us ourselves in the same category of greatness as our founders—but to place us in the urgency of protecting and defending our Constitution.”
I think in the not too distant future the majority of WE The People (and Historians) will view Speaker Nancy Pelosi as an American Hero, True Patriot and among our Greatest political leaders for having stared this abomination (the Trump presidency) in the eye and in defense of our Constitution and the Rule of Law, she saved Our Republic.
She is, indeed, the Only political leader I trust right now.
Unlike Nixon, Trump has benefited greatly from a weapon Nixon did NOT have: “a powerful conservative media ecosystem.” However, like Nixon, Trump has benefited from the majority of Americans NOT being supportive of impeachment. That is….until now:
Those two benefits APPEAR to be slipping away:
1. “It’s Management Bedlam”: Madness At Fox News As Trump Faces Impeachment
A Trump identity crisis at Fox as Hannity frets, Lachlan Murdoch prepares for a post-Trump future, Paul Ryan whispers in Rupert’s ear, and Shep Smith and Tucker Carlson trade blows. – VanityFair, Sept. 26, 2019
2. Poll: Majority of Americans say impeachment inquiry into Trump is necessary
Washington (CNN) A majority of Americans {now} say they think Congress opening an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is necessary, according to a CBS News poll released Sunday.
The poll, conducted by YouGov, shows 55% of Americans think the newly-opened probe necessary, while 45% of Americans think it unnecessary. […]- CNN, Sept. 29, 2019
Trump is trapped and he knows it. His only hope is if the Dems somehow manage to screw this whole process up by getting full of themselves and failing to handle it with the seriousness that it MUST be handled. Nancy Pelosi is the only person on Capitol Hill that I have any confidence in.
Like Trump, Nixon was a deeply flawed man. Really mucked up inside. But unlike Trump:
[Nixon was incredibly experienced before he came into office. He knew the way the government worked and he had an incredible intellectual curiosity. Nixon was a congressman, he was a senator, he was vice president for Eisenhower for eight years, he was the Republican nominee in 1960, failed, then lost to John F. Kennedy before becoming president himself in 1968. ] – Historian Mark Updegrove, CEO of the LBJ Foundation in Austin, Texas
Simply put: Nixon was an intelligent man. And at least, on some level, he could at times, be a rational and reasonable man. Trump is NONE of that.
So will he or won’t he resign? Lord, only, knows.
Boston Globe:
When you have a president so completely immune from shame; and when he is enabled by a political party so infected by partisanship that “winning” is more important than acknowledging wrongdoing and holding leaders accountable, the idea of a selfless political act has become almost laughably antiquated.
Perhaps the most dispiriting element of the whistle-blower’s complaint is that multiple individuals around the president — all of whom swore an oath to uphold the Constitution — appear to have understood he committed a grave abuse of power, and then went to great lengths to cover it up. The heroism of the whistle-blower is sadly matched by the cowardice of Trump’s enablers.
Democrats are, of course, right to call for Trump’s impeachment. Same goes for the nation’s editorial boards. But are they so inured to the president’s unending malfeasance, corruption, and law-breaking that they can’t make the obvious call for resignation?
Trump should of course step down. He should have done it a long time ago. It’s not a close call. Stating that publicly is not an example of partisan bomb-throwing, rather it’s the precise opposite: a principled recognition that some things are more important than politics.
On a related note………….
1. “Trump loyalists are working hard to defend the president. It isn’t going well.”
Stephen Miller struggles on Fox News, and other lowlights from the Sunday morning efforts to defend the president. – Vox, Sept. 29, 2019
2. Chris Wallace: Rudy Had Help In Trying To Get Dirt On Biden From Ukraine, And It’s A Name Fox News Viewers Will Recognize
Breaking news on FOX News Sunday: Chris reports Rudy Giuliani did not act alone in trying to get dirt from Ukraine on Joe Biden… and much more [..] – Hotair, Sept. 29, 2019
I have to admit when I first started reading this I had already made up my mind Trump would never resign. But you made some real good points. He is not going to do it yet but if it looks like things are going down for him I could see this happening. It is the only way he can keep from looking like a loser.