Bitter Bannon Barks At Political Enemies
- Steve Bannon makes 60 Minutes interview personal
Former Donald Trump strategist and racist in chief Steve Bannon is bitter.  No, he’s pissed.  In fact, ‘Bitter Bannon’ is so pissed, he’s taking aim at the GOP establishment, Hillary Clinton, and even his former boss.
Now that he’s no longer a government employee who’s tempered by the constraints of a senior White House position, ‘Bitter Bannon’ has taken to the airwaves to declare war against his political enemies and to put them on notice that “It’s On!”
During a recent interview with Charlie Rose of “CBS This Morning” for the prime-time news magazine “60 Minutes,” ‘Bitter Bannon’ did not mince his words in letting it be known that he has it out for his fellow Republicans.
“The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election,” Bannon charged. That’s a brutal fact we have to face.”
Bannon specifically singled out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, whom he says does “not want Donald Trump’s populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented.”
His royal bitterness then added this threat: “They’re gonna be held accountable if they do not support the president of the United States.
Next, ‘Bitter Bannon’ called the Russia investigations “a total and complete farce” and “a waste of time.” He also went after Gov. Chris Christie, saying he personally made sure Christie was not given a White House position for his failure to support Trump once the Billy Bush tape recordings were exposed.
Then, he took aim at Hillary Clinton, calling her “not very bright.”
“She doesn’t really have a grasp, she doesn’t have a grasp on what’s important and what’s not,” Bannon said. “And that’s essential in a leader.
The brash and bitter Bannon even went after the Catholic Church, expressing contempt for the Pope’s decision to defy Donald Trump on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
However, it was his criticism of Trump himself that was the most surprising.
In what was arguably the most shocking portion of the interview, ‘Bitter Bannon’ called Trump’s decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey “the biggest mistake in political history.”
Bannon believes that if Comey had not been let go, it’s unlikely that the Robert Mueller-led Russia probe would have ever occurred.
“I don’t think there’s any doubt that if James Comey had not been fired, we would not have a special counsel,” Bannon said. “We would not have the Mueller investigation and the breadth that clearly Mr. Mueller is going for.”
Check out the red-eyed Bannon interview below:
Frankly, I’m not at all convinced that Bannon has as much power to influence Trump supporters as he thinks he has. But time will tell.
On a sidenote – I wonder how many people have noticed (like I have) that most of these Yahoos who have right royally mucked this country up belong to the “Baby-boom” generation. Bill and Hillary Clinton. G. “Dubya” Bush. Dick Cheney and a slew of his NeoCON cohorts. Donald J. Trump. Steve Bannon. Mitch McConnell, John McCain, and on and on. Even Pres. Obama was born near the end of that generation.
And it is that generation of “political” leaders, in particular, along with financial, cultural and societal movers and shaker who have, IMO, done the most damage to Our country. The sooner they are driven from the main-stage of power the better.
Hey Truth you predicted this devil was not going to play nice after he left the White House and you are right. Him and his racist clan have their own plans and they seem like they will take anybody down to get it done. He looks like he would even sell Trump up the river if he doesn’t do everything he was told. Nobody can trust this guy.
Ye. Trump and Bannon are two of a kind BD. Each man is for himself…and for himself Only.
Anyone who puts their trust in either one of those two frauds should expect to get stabbed in the back….sooner or later.